Category: Garden Of Friends

  • In a nutshell

    In a nutshell

    Something is off with our values and narratives, isn’t it?

    • Business arena
    • Maximizing profit
    • Penetrating markets


    Industries are working hard to manipulate us into desiring things and services we don’t need. Is it difficult to see the hypnotism?

    • People and planet are being exploited, for numbers, not Love.
    • We are entangled in toxic narratives, and don’t even notice it.


    It is not about blaming anyone, but to detect my own faulty thinking and ignorance.

    Thinking is a powerful tool, but not a place to live in.

    “All of humanity’s problems
    stem from man’s inability
    to sit quietly in a room
    alone for five minutes.”
    Blaise Pascal is intended as a fun way to reflect and connect:

    • It is not about blaming, waiting or hoping.
    • It is not about right or wrong.
    • Inquiry is powerful: is it true?
  • Most elegant and deep ❤️

    Most elegant and deep ❤️

    “The materialist interpretation of reality
    is a failure in terms of happiness.”

    Francis Lucille

    Academic Genius

    Please give the above quote some extra love, it is really deep.

    The ‘materialist’ is you and me, identified as persons. How important is happiness (distinct from pleasure)?

    The gift of Life ❤️

    We were not born to cry, we were born to lovingly thrive; to thrive together, in service of Life.

    Instead we learned to belief in lack and struggle.

    Quite amazing to dis-cover that suffering is simply a misunderstanding. 😇

    In my case there was so much willfulness, eagerness and unhappiness; simply because of a subtle misunderstanding about who and what I am!

    Pride & Shame

    It is priceless to debunk suffering in good company, through understanding, through gentleness; to powerfully expose the me-virus as the root of our collective sickness.

    Sex, m-one-y, hypnotism…

    (excuse my french 🕊️)

    More down to earth: how to invite our 13 year-old daughter to dis-cover the difference between sex and love, pleasure and happiness?

    Bye Bye, have a good life…

    Most likely you will just click somewhere else and be gone… back in the familiarity of the story-world.

    Why was it so hard to learn to ask freedom-questions?
    Why did it take so long to trust Life?
    Why is it so precious to meet truth-lovers at the Garden Of Friends and Sangha Of One?

    A little thinking goes a long way!
    The why question leads into endless rabbit holes.

    “What am I?” is such an embarrassing question, to transition from person to Presence.

    Alone I was stuck in the me-bubble, in unaware/normal pride, shame, expectations and attachments.

    Quite amazing 🥰🙏 to be together, to shamelessly and effortlessly debunk the paper tigers of me and you, this and that. Fascinating: for decades I was intimidated, and somehow paralyzed by thoughts and feelings I assumed to be “me”.

    Disclaimer: this free and non-commercial website here is a labor of love (it’s for a small niche of truth lovers, probably not for you).

    Shamelessly send me an email, say hello, feel free to complain, to come plain:

    To bring the fun back into dysfunctional. 🥰
    Playfully, artfully, intelligently, lovingly…


    The core principle of computers is extremely simple: zero or one, yes or no; but out of it comes never-ending enormous complexity!

    Spirituality is not a gaining of more information, skills and powers, but the dis-covery of the gift of Life as IS, prior to mind.

    We are the current wave of humanity!

    We don’t need to wait for politicians and experts to fix this world for us, to wait for future-happiness.

    Love, Presence, Reality is always available to comfort, guide and nurture us; but somehow I didn’t appreciate it for decades.

    As an adulled, as a passive consumer, I was scared to death when I couldn’t make sense, when the mind had nothing to do.

    Essentially, we are always whole and complete,
    but Mr and Mrs Mind 🐣 can only process contrast.

    As a friend,
    who was addicted to thinking and suffering.

    Holger Hubbs

  • Love your neighbor as yourself (but use a condom)?

    Love your neighbor as yourself (but use a condom)?

    Sorry for this click-bait.

    It’s potentially a good thing that Mr. Trump is selling Bibles, but who can handle love and wisdom?

    “Me” was my challenge for 50+ years.

    Shame, pride, isolation…
    being intimidated and bullied by thinking and feeling,
    always hungry for “more”.

    I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin, easily exhausted, lacking basic wisdoms.

    Sorry, so embarrassing that I cannot (just yet) give you a look, a word and boom you are enlightened 🎉😂😍 blissed out, forever happy.

    It is true that we are always whole and complete, loved and lived by Life… ya but!

    “Oh, I don’t feel that way” 💩😂
    The me-virus somehow keeps us busy being busy, overlooking the obvious.

    So embarrassing, but somehow we need each other!

    Not to suck on each other, but to wake up from a subtle misunderstanding that makes us feel that we need “more” in order to be safe and happy (Mr. Jesus‘ Kingdom… back to the “good book”).

    Besides the teaming together spiritually, emotionally, understandably, we also need each other on a practical level:

    I don’t generate my own electricity, I don’t know how to do wifi… It’s shortly after 6am and I am starting to feel a little hungry… I don’t bake my own bread, I don’t know how to make cream cheese or how to grow bananas…


    This “modern world” is quite amazing with all its uncounted conveniences, but somehow in regard to spiritual maturity we are in a kindergarten.

    Instead of feeling ashamed and avoiding to look into your eyes, instead of bullying myself in myself, I risk to invite us to meet freely at the (I am over 55, I don’t want anything personal from you! Boobs, vagina, penis, money, fame… so boring and ephemeral).

    What a marvelous gift to wake up together (figuratively) from the hypnotism of personhood, to embrace the gift of Life.

    “Embrace with your heart what mind cannot understand.”

    “It takes a universe to make a sandwich.”

    Life is collaboration!
    It is wonderfully refreshing to risk in-team-a-see.

    But somehow it is too easy to get intimidated by doubt and fear.

    So, most likely I won’t see you at the Garden Of Friends, because…
    (the list is just endless).



    Ai: Expressing gratitude to Magdi can be done by acknowledging the profound impact of his teachings and the space he creates for shared exploration.

    You could mention the value of the guided meditations, the insights shared during the conversations, and the sense of connection and love that is fostered within the group.

    Highlighting the experience of recognizing oneself as “this effortless presence, this aware presence” can convey the depth of the work being done, as can mentioning the freedom and peace that are revealed through this understanding. The fact that these meetings are a gift, and are deeply appreciated, could also be part of the expression of thanks.

    A message of gratitude might also reflect on the teachings that point towards the understanding that there is only one reality, one consciousness, one self. It may convey appreciation for the way the meetings encourage the release of limiting beliefs and the habitual tendencies of the mind. It could also acknowledge the importance of living from that understanding in daily life, and the way Magdi encourages one to “live as impersonally as you can,” exploring a life that is in harmony and grace, rather than struggle.

  • Love scares us all

    Love scares us all

    It is everywhere.
    There’s no escaping it.

    When we were younger
    we dreamt we were scared of
    concrete things like enemies and friends.

    As we got older we realized
    It was always uncomfortable feelings
    that scared us.

    We cried when we saw that
    we had spent years
    avoiding those feelings
    only to find out
    each was a gift.
    Not even shame needs to be resisted any longer.

    And so the stark reality is
    that love has scared us all along.

    Every anxiety.
    Every worry.
    Is love.

    It is the electrically dark night.
    The unbearable pleasure of being alive.
    The animator of all things.
    That which breathes
    life into all those enemies and friends and feelings
    and shame.
    It is love we are avoiding.

    It is okay dear one.
    There is a good reason to be scared.

    Love will to consume us whole.
    Love will lay us to waste,
    leave us with nothing
    and pull our crutches out.

    Once we are destroyed.
    Left without
    our will
    or ourselves.
    We will fall in love
    for the very first time.

    And it will make a home in our chests
    And shine from our eyes
    And speak its words with our mouths
    Saying over and over again
    Thy will be done
    Thy will be done.

    Joe Hudson

    Thank you Ralph for sharing this!

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    The greatest breakthrough is risking friendship 🥰
    … feel free to meet shamelessly
    at the Garden Of Friends and at Magdi’s.