Tag: friendship

  • Love your neighbor as yourself (but use a condom)?

    Love your neighbor as yourself (but use a condom)?

    Sorry for this click-bait.

    It’s potentially a good thing that Mr. Trump is selling Bibles, but who can handle love and wisdom?

    “Me” was my challenge for 50+ years.

    Shame, pride, isolation…
    being intimidated and bullied by thinking and feeling,
    always hungry for “more”.

    I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin, easily exhausted, lacking basic wisdoms.

    Sorry, so embarrassing that I cannot (just yet) give you a look, a word and boom you are enlightened 🎉😂😍 blissed out, forever happy.

    It is true that we are always whole and complete, loved and lived by Life… ya but!

    “Oh, I don’t feel that way” 💩😂
    The me-virus somehow keeps us busy being busy, overlooking the obvious.

    So embarrassing, but somehow we need each other!

    Not to suck on each other, but to wake up from a subtle misunderstanding that makes us feel that we need “more” in order to be safe and happy (Mr. Jesus‘ Kingdom… back to the “good book”).

    Besides the teaming together spiritually, emotionally, understandably, we also need each other on a practical level:

    I don’t generate my own electricity, I don’t know how to do wifi… It’s shortly after 6am and I am starting to feel a little hungry… I don’t bake my own bread, I don’t know how to make cream cheese or how to grow bananas…


    This “modern world” is quite amazing with all its uncounted conveniences, but somehow in regard to spiritual maturity we are in a kindergarten.

    Instead of feeling ashamed and avoiding to look into your eyes, instead of bullying myself in myself, I risk to invite us to meet freely at the GardenOfFriends.com. (I am over 55, I don’t want anything personal from you! Boobs, vagina, penis, money, fame… so boring and ephemeral).

    What a marvelous gift to wake up together (figuratively) from the hypnotism of personhood, to embrace the gift of Life.

    “Embrace with your heart what mind cannot understand.”

    “It takes a universe to make a sandwich.”

    Life is collaboration!
    It is wonderfully refreshing to risk in-team-a-see.

    But somehow it is too easy to get intimidated by doubt and fear.

    So, most likely I won’t see you at the Garden Of Friends, because…
    (the list is just endless).


  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    The greatest breakthrough is risking friendship 🥰
    … feel free to meet shamelessly
    at the Garden Of Friends and at Magdi’s.